You think the snow was bad in Michigan last winter?

Hawaii. The sledding was so bad I didn't log a single mile, but luckily I found a few other things to do. Here's some pics:

Makapuu Beach, Oahu. The annual snowfall figures are downright hideous. Never did find the trailhead anyway.

Makapuu again. Still no snow, but the bodysurfing is prime. Better know what you're doing though, the surf doesn't care if you live or die. Killer rides, you might want to wear your snowcross helmet.

A look at Honolulu. All those clouds, and not a single flake. Still no trailhead either. Beautiful blue ocean though. Better make sure those bibs are really watertight before taking a spin out here.

A little Waikiki. Book 'em, Dan'o. An amazing juxtaposition of heavy civilization against almost pure untouched nature. Not something you see everyday.

No comment necessary. (You can see for yourself theres no snow!)

Hanauma Bay. A public reef. The snorkeling is awesome, especially considering how many people trounce through here each day. (Yes, I know there's better, but if it's your only chance, its a safe bet.)  Nice view too (real hard to find on the islands, NOT!).

The rainforest on Hawaii (the big island). This rainforest is literally right next to a desert (the way it works on the islands). Again, chances of snow, not probable.

Overlooking the big crater (no jokes about any particular holes in my head, please). Volcano national park. Still active. Care to make a sacrifice?

A sign that you probably don't see on the trails around here.

Big crater, again.

And again.

More big crater. Note there is not a single "Big crater ahead" trail marker visible. Just like riding in some counties in the U.P.

A view of a few recent (geologically speaking) lava flows. Very tough on the hifax. Better bring your spares.

A lovely falls just outside Hilo (on the big island). I believe its called Rainbow falls (not sure, pretty though).

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